Your center console boat is likely one of the largest purchases that you have made, and while these vehicles can be an excellent source of entertainment, many people will make the critical error of failing to properly maintain their boats. It can be easy to overlook some basic but critical aspects of preparing a boat for the winter months. This mistake can cause it to require expensive repairs before you are able to use it.   

Flush And Prep The Engine For The Winter

New boat owners may overlook the importance for properly preparing the engine for the winter months. This step will involve thoroughly flushing the engine with an antifreeze solution. Over the course of using the boat, it is possible for water to get trapped in portions of the engine. During the winter months, it can be possible for this water to freeze, which can rupture the engine. By taking the time to flush the engine with antifreeze, you can ensure that this problem will not cripple your boat.

In addition to flushing the engine with antifreeze, you should also have it professionally tuned up before placing it into storage. This will help ensure that your boat is ready for use as soon as the boating season returns.

Avoid Storing The Boat In The Water

Some people will assume that it is harmless to store the boat in the water during the winter season. However, this can be very risky for the boat. You will be less likely to visit the boat on a regular basis during the offseason, and this can allow potentially minor problems from developing into serious issues. For example, if a minor leak were to develop during the winter months, you might not notice until the boat is on the verge of sinking. Additionally, you may be less likely to be able to protect the boat from any strong storms that may pass through. By storing the boat on land, you will be better able to ensure that it stays safe during the winter months. This will also give you a chance to clean and inspect the hull for damage. 

Individuals that enjoy spending time on the water may greatly enjoy owning a boat. However, it is critical to understand and appreciate the importance of properly preparing the boat for the winter months. Making sure to flush the engine with antifreeze as well as storing the boat out of the water can help you to protect your boat from some common issues that arise from winter storage.
